1. If you have a personal experience, article, freedom-friendly business, or anything that you would like to share, please email [email protected], & it will be considered as an addition to the website and/or our social media platforms.
2. This website was created as a free service to help people become informed about the corruption in our "Big" Industries. There were no plans to add a "contribution" option, but in the beginning, someone donated $100 to help me get started (and continue my research), and several people have advised me to make a donation page. This is for those who would like to help with the expenses of maintaining the website, & doing what it takes for me to keep everyone informed.
This includes internet costs, as well as research & continuing education (purchasing books & documentaries, paid medical articles/literature, educational events, classes, courses, etc).
For voluntary donations, click here... And thank you. While this is in no way required, I am grateful.